
Bizarro view

Re “For the U.N., a clean break,” editorial, Dec. 2

It’s one thing for you to suggest that U.N. Ambassador-designee Susan Rice is the polar opposite of John R Bolton as they meet in “Bizarro World,” but it’s hard to believe that you called the U.N. “the world’s only meaningful bulwark against nuclear proliferation, human rights violations, genocide and wars of conquest.”

What did the United Nations do to save people during the genocide in Rwanda? What has the U.N. been doing to save the people of Darfur? How is the U.N. stopping or even slowing down Iran’s march toward nuclear weapons?

The U.N. talks and debates and passes resolutions while people suffer and die. This is why so many look at it with contempt.


Are you sure it isn’t the writer of this editorial who lives in Bizarro World?

Joey Gold

Redondo Beach
