
Medical complications

Re “Broader medical refusal rule may go far beyond abortion,” Dec. 2

I appreciated the article on the proposed rule of the Bush administration concerning medical refusal. I certainly agree with the view that, depending on the interpretation of the rule, it could bring about a wide variety of difficulties in a hospital that would interfere with proper medical care.

The proper conduct of medical care frequently requires immediate decisions. To provide the opportunity for any member of the health-care team to weigh a particular decision according to his or her belief system would result in major interference with healthcare and could jeopardize the care of many patients.

Medical decisions are comparable to those made in the military, on an airplane or in any other situation requiring rapid decisions. Such decisions depend on the competence of the person in charge; they are not democratic and most often are not subject to discussion.


The rule being proposed is, in my view, very dangerous.

Lawrence R.

Freedman, MD

Los Angeles


When it comes to women’s reproductive health issues, everybody has a conscience and moral rules: President Bush, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, Catholic bishops, the Pope, the Taliban and Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt. But when it comes to a prescription for Viagra or Cialis, anything goes.

I would just love to find one pharmacist in the U.S. who would refuse to fill a prescription for Viagra or Cialis for a single guy.

Donna Handy

Santa Barbara
