
An unsurprising prison saga

Re “Through Prison Glass,” Nov. 30, Dec. 2, Dec. 4

Speaking as a former California criminal-justice system clinical psychologist who spent time evaluating inmates at Pelican Bay State Prison, I find The Times’ devotion to this well-worn drama very odd.

There are legions of women -- lawyers, therapists, what have you -- who function in the work world in spite of psychological “issues” that lead them to enmesh themselves in implausible romances with irretrievably incarcerated psychopaths and sociopaths.

It’s the perfect excuse for not finding a functional mate. So what else is new?

Matthew Bowen

Charlottesville, Va.


The accelerating dive of The Times can be seen in your multiday, multipage stories -- on the front page, no less -- of the Pelican Bay prisoner and his wife. Aren’t there enough stories of serious importance in the world for us not to have to endure this soap opera?


Sure, you and other newspapers are in a tough place, but I doubt the printed paper will ever attract those for whom the Internet provides enough news. So why not remain true to journalistic principles to keep those of your subscribers who relish reading a newspaper?

James McGee

Sun City
