
Mt. Oscar


TRIPLE THREAT: Kate Winslet has two potential Oscar films, as does producer Scott Rudin. But the trifecta goes to cinematographer Roger Deakins, whose high-caliber filming includes “Revolutionary Road,” “Doubt” and a shared credit on “The Reader.”



NOW OR NEVER? Clint Eastwood’s self-directed lead role in “Gran Torino” may be the 78-year-old’s last appearance on the big screen. He’s yet to win an acting Oscar, so now would be the time for a nomination.

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE: Is there a silver lining to the passage of Proposition 8? Perhaps that it is drawing attention to Oscar contender “Milk,” and doesn’t Focus Features know it.




DEAD END? The National Board of Review of Motion Pictures looked right past “Revolutionary Road” for its 2008 honors. At press time, the L.A. and New York film groups hadn’t weighed in, but if it’s goose eggs there too, a lot will ride on the Golden Globes.

SECOND ACT: Natalie Portman turned down the role of Sister James in “Doubt” because she couldn’t understand celibacy. Now the role might bring Amy Adams an Oscar nomination.



BLACKBALLED? So Robert Downey Jr.’s insanely daring performance as a self-absorbed white Australian playing a black American soldier blew the roof off “Tropic Thunder.” What is the academy less likely to overlook, the racial issues or the fact that it’s a comedy?


IT’S THE VEGEMITE: What do they feed those kids Down Under? First came Oscar winner Anna Paquin, then nominee Keisha Castle-Hughes. Is “Australia’s” young Brandon Walters next?

HIGH FLATTERY: Steven Soderbergh on fellow director David Fincher: “I’m always analyzing his stuff to figure out how he did what he did and determine whether or not I can steal from it and do it faster.”
