
No D in Lakers

Q: Why is the Lakers’ defense called “airbrush” during day games, and “makeup” during night games?

A: Because they can make anybody look good.

Vincent Campbell



After the Lakers’ abominable loss to Sacramento on Tuesday, Phil Jackson seemed to be attributing the loss to poor shooting. What game was he watching? I don’t think he had a good seat for last week’s loss to the Pacers either. After that game, in commenting on the Lakers’ failure to play good defense, he said something like, “This team is what it is.”

In actual fact, what “this team is” is a bunch of guys who seem to have no clue how to defend in the paint. This isn’t an individual player problem; this is a team problem and therefore a coaching problem. Phil and his staff need to step up and solve this before the Lakers plummet into the second tier of the playoffs.


Thomas Bailey

Long Beach
