
Dollars and deputies

Re “Cost of sending deputies to D.C. at issue.” Dec. 10

Sheriff Lee Baca wants to send 347 deputies to “assist” in inauguration festivities, at a potential cost to Los Angeles County taxpayers of $1 million.

Has he lost his mind? To call the county’s current budget status “critical” may be the understatement of the year.

Four years ago, the county sent 64 deputies, and the cost was picked up by Washington. Now Baca wants to send nearly 5 1/2 times that number, with the county to pick up the tab on most of it.


I recently sent in my county property tax payment, to the tune of about $3,500. If the county has millions to give away, please place my name at the head of the line to receive a refund.

Michael J. Allegretti

