

Napoleon and Egypt, in Paris

A brash young Western leader invades a Middle East country, ostensibly to spread democratic ideals. Instead he winds up resented by the locals and strengthening his rivals, who immediately exploit his weaknesses. We’re talking, of course, about Napoleon Bonaparte, the French general whose forces invaded and briefly occupied Egypt nine years after a cataclysmic revolution. His late-18th century adventures in the land of the Pharaohs are chronicled and dissected in “Bonaparte and Egypt,” a fascinating and extensive exhibit of paintings, manuscripts and artifacts at the gigantic Institut du Monde Arabe along the Seine River in Paris. Napoleon’s trip wasn’t all cannons and gunfire. The paintings and artifacts also reveal how revolutionary France’s encounter spurred an interest in all things Egyptian, including architecture, rural life, costumes, rituals and handicrafts. The exhibit is filled with treasures plundered, er, um, taken from Egypt, including ancient Korans and illuminated manuscripts. The curators note that all the booty brought back from Egypt diverted public attention away from the expedition’s military debacles. The show continues until March 29. Info:

-- Borzou Daragahi


Lounge perks

Rejoice, coach passengers. The sleek, comfy ReLAX Lounge, which opened recently at Tom Bradley International Terminal at LAX, offers some sorely needed perks -- at a price, of course. For $25, you get three hours of free Wi-Fi, Internet, beverages, snacks, fresh fruit, big-screen TV viewing and more. Through nearly floor-to-ceiling windows, you can gawk at jets taxiing between runways and, often, giant Airbus A380s, which park outside during turnarounds. The upholstered armchairs, many covered in white leather, are divine. (Alas, no couches.) A nice luxury: For $1 per minute, you can buy massages in massage chairs. Because the lounge is outside security, friends and family can join you if they pay the $25 fee. Look for the lounge next to the Daily Grill on the mezzanine level of the Tom Bradley terminal. Open 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. daily. Info: (310) 590-7581,

-- Jane Engle


Quick check-in

Would you pay $25 or more for faster airline check-in, security checks and boarding? Under United Airlines’ new Premier Line program, passengers who pay a per-person fee get the same priority access as those in first and business class. That includes shorter lines at check-in and security, plus early boarding. The program so far is available in Los Angeles (LAX), Orange County (SNA), San Diego (SAN), San Francisco (SFO) and 10 other major U.S. airports. (Note: United doesn’t guarantee wait times or even that you’ll make your flight.) The fee is good only one way, and passengers pay online or at a check-in kiosk. Info:


-- Jane Engle


House swap

Have you ever swapped a house or apartment for a vacation? Used a house-swap service? We’d like to know. We’re planning an issue that touches on vacation rental exchanges and are looking for readers’ experiences to include in the story. Whether it was good or bad, tell us your experience at Please include your full name, city of residence and phone. (The phone is for verification only)

-- Catharine Hamm


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