
Misguided, racist

Re “O.J., Obama and race in America,” Opinion, Dec. 9

“O.J. lied ... Darden cried ... Johnnie talked ... and O.J. walked!”

This was a popular T-shirt sold on Crenshaw and Slauson -- and proof that not all black folks were convinced of O.J.’s innocence, just as not all white folks were convinced of his guilt. But many white people did show their hate for Simpson and convicted him before the courts had reached their conclusions.

The whole O.J. experience, including Jonah Goldberg’s misguided article, only reinforces racism and keeps it alive and well in America.

Goldberg’s attempt to link Obama’s successful bid for the presidency with O.J. is ridiculous, and obviously the product of a bitter and sarcastic nature. His criticism of Obama’s beautiful, hopeful and unifying speech is truly sad.


And by the way, what exactly are Goldberg’s hopes for the country? Because if they are much different fromObama’s, I can understand why racism still lives so well in America, in spite of those of us who are honestly making an attempt to overcome it.

Mary Chitty

Los Angeles
