
Policy promotes pollution

Re “A new day for diesel,” editorial, Dec. 12

The Times’ editorial board writes that “when it comes to pollution, somebody always pays a price” and that “currently, the overwhelming majority of the costs are borne by the public.” You have it right. Polluting pays when the costs of pollution are externalized onto the public.

But you got it wrong when you didn’t acknowledge that the current system at the port of Los Angeles -- which allows trucking companies to continue working with independent contractors -- results in even more pollution there, not to mention other effects on our communities. As long as companies at the port can shift responsibility to drivers and the public, they will. That’s economics.

Port trucking companies must accept responsibility by having assets and employees like normal businesses. The result will be less pollution, a safer community and less need for $1 billion in subsidies borne by the public.


David Greene

San Pedro
