
Who wouldn’t want Jarvis?

Re “Hall of fame needs giants,” Column, Dec. 15

George Skelton says the California Hall of Fame needs giants, and he is critical of the lack of inductees of stature. He goes on to list some candidates he favors, including the founder of Bank of America and the Beach Boys, but leaves out one of the most influential men in California history: Howard Jarvis.

Millions sing the praises of the father of Proposition 13 every year when they receive their property tax bill. Yes, some who want unrestricted access to taxpayers’ wallets might consider this nomination controversial, but being universally loved is hardly a reasonable or realistic standard for membership in the Hall of Fame.

When it comes to those who have had an impact on our state, Howard Jarvis should head the list.


Jon Coupal


The writer is president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn.
