
‘Green Hornet’ loses its director


Hong Kong comedian Stephen Chow said he will no longer direct the Hollywood adaptation of “The Green Hornet” and may not star as sidekick Kato.

Chow, whose credits include “Shaolin Soccer” and “Kung Fu Hustle,” said he wants to free up time to work with Jack Black on a comedy about a superhero.

“If I direct ‘The Green Hornet,’ the superhero comedy will have to be delayed for two years,” Chow said. “The timing might not be right for a superhero comedy in two years. And I want to make a movie based on an original idea.”


Columbia Pictures announced Chow’s involvement in “The Green Hornet” in September. A studio publicist didn’t immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

Chow said whether he stays on to play Kato in “The Green Hornet” depends on his schedule.
