
Clinton support is endorsed

Re “Kennedys for Clinton,” Opinion, Jan. 29

Unlike her opponents, I believe Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is completely prepared to turn things around. While she may understand the political machine in ways that make her seem less like an innocent idealist than certain other candidates, I believe that an innocent idealist will be eaten alive by the realities of the job -- and if anyone knows those realities, it’s Clinton.

Face it, it’s not 1960 any more. This is not the time to dream of idealism. We have to elect someone who is canny and tough-minded to end the war in Iraq and undo the terrible damage that has been done to the Constitution and our reputation in the world in the last seven years.

Rosemary Wolohan

Inverness, Calif.

I was heartened to see the article by Kathleen Townsend Kennedy, Robert Kennedy Jr. and Kerry Kennedy supporting Clinton. There is no question she is the most qualified candidate. This country cannot afford to have another disaster in the White House, and a disaster we shall have if we nominate Sen. Barack Obama.


If he were elected, we would have a very green, untested candidate about whom we know very little.

Clinton is a known entity who has been involved in public service for many years. Her multidimensional knowledge and understanding of the complex issues facing our country are undisputed and unequaled among other candidates.

Nancy Gerber


Robert Kennedy’s side of the family is supporting Clinton. Robert Kennedy’s presidential run was all about helping working people and the disenfranchised. He would have made a great president. As stated in their article, Clinton is uniquely qualified to be president. She knows the world and the economy; she is a fighter who gets things done. The Republicans mention her name a lot because they know she will be their toughest rival. If she gets half of the white vote (women) and 80% of the black and Latino vote, she wins. And ladies, keep in mind that, during your lifetime, Clinton may be the only woman running for the office who has a chance to win and who is that qualified for the job.


Randell Hill

La Verne
