
A sign of the times?

Re “L.A. vision: a towering sign,” Jan. 27

Regarding these giant electronic signs, five descriptive terms I noted in the article included futuristic, cinematic, art, beautiful and vision(ary). I suggest five other terms that more accurately apply, the same five that have always applied since the first billboards were erected: commercialism, intrusive, eyesore, blight and parasitic. I might consider rethinking these electronic billboards -- and that’s all they are, high-tech billboards -- only if developer Sonny Astani agrees to plaster giant advertisements for beer and toilet paper across the exterior walls of his personal home.

Tracy Culp


The Coalition to Ban Billboard Blight, representing more than 40 civic groups and homeowners associations, regrets that The Times would term the effort to turn downtown Los Angeles into a nightmarish environment as “vision.” The vision that “Blade Runner,” Astani’s inspiration, portrayed was the breakdown of our social system. There are still people who believe that we are not going down that path, and we will work hard to not allow anything like that to happen in our city.

Ted Wu

Los Angeles

The writer is president of the Coalition to Ban Billboard Blight.

Please point out to Astani that “Blade Runner” was a nightmare vision of L.A.’s future -- a cautionary tale not to be emulated.


There really is only one reason these blights on our culture are being considered: They bring in huge advertising revenues for the building owner at the expense of our city skyline. If this sort of signage is allowed, city planners will only be sending the message to architects and developers that future buildings should be designed to showcase advertising, not great architecture.

Steven Scott


How many rooftop solar collectors, turned-down thermostats, compact fluorescent bulbs, hybrids and compact cars will it take to make up for this sign? Why should we conserve while somebody makes millions by squandering electricity?

Lewis Livingston

