
Romney offers strength

Florida almost gave Mitt Romney the win he needed. We need a leader who is progressive and business-minded to fix Washington and get rid of the garbage. I am tired of the John Kerrys and the John McCains. They talk and talk, and if that doesn’t work they go behind closed doors to cut a deal. Same old, same old.

Romney wants everyone to succeed by strengthening America, from the economy to family to our military.

Elizabeth M. Sullivan

East Manatee, Fla.


America needs strength and vision. Romney’s exceptional executive ability was demonstrated in turning around failed organizations in government, volunteer and private sectors as Massachusetts governor and as chief executive of the Salt Lake City Olympics and Bain Capital.


He is a man of integrity and strong moral values, evidenced in his life story and “Faith in America” speech. Every decision as governor was on the side of life, marriage and families. We can expect the same as president.

His Mormonism, wealth, greatly exaggerated flip-flop charges and other personal attacks (e.g., “too perfect”) are red herrings used by those who can’t refute his positions, character, experience and accomplishments. The viciousness of their attacks is a measure of his viability and the threat opponents face as he goes forward to fix a broken Washington.

Mark Clayson

