
McCain stands by convictions

Sen. John McCain is the best candidate for the Republican nomination. He’s the only one in Congress who has fought against earmarks while others deliver pork to their districts. We keep spending money, and I have no idea how we’ll repay.

He’s been at the forefront of the fight for campaign finance reform, is against torture, and he understands the war on terror. He’s the only one proposing a pragmatic, real-world solution to immigration.

We need someone in the White House who will stand by his convictions and lead the country.

David Lasdon

Faircrest Heights


Mitt Romney is strongly in favor of the Iraq war. However, neither Romney nor any of his five adult boys have served in the armed forces. His answer is that we have a volunteer army and his sons are free to serve or get married and have children. Many of our troops who have been killed in Iraq left behind widows and children.


John McCain served in the Vietnam War and was held prisoner for many years. His son is now serving in Iraq. Platitudes about the war to win votes are one thing, but personal sacrifice and dedication to your country are quite another.

McCain deserves my vote, and I hope others can see through the veneer of his opponent.

Carmen C. Chimento

Brookline, N.H.
