
Top-down viewpoint

THE Lisa Edelstein interview, “Sitting Pretty in Silver Lake” [by Choire Sicha, Feb. 3], illustrates why there is so little sympathy for the strike from fellow movie and television workers and so much disgust for actors who express sympathy or solidarity.

So Ms. Edelstein doesn’t have to worry about her bills and has a job waiting for her. How nice for her. That she wouldn’t leave the “mixed economics” of Silver Lake for Chatsworth unless she were “in shackles” shows the typical attitude of above-the-line talent for those being devastated by this work action. Where does she think many of the drivers, carpenters and others who help on productions return at the end of each 10- to 18-hour workday? Not to “affordable” Silver Lake, that’s for sure.

Danny Miller

Eagle Rock
