
One for her money

I read Paul Brownfield’s interesting interview with Matthew McConaughey [“ ‘I’m Not Working It,’ He Says,” Feb. 3]. I would like to defend McConaughey’s acting abilities, even though I don’t know anything about the guy at all, other than seeing his face/body once in a while in a magazine. I don’t go to movies anymore and rarely watch them on TV.

But, then, searching for some worthwhile movie to see on TV, I came across “Two for the Money.” The only reason I wanted to view it at all was because one of my favorite actors, Al Pacino, was in it.

Lo and behold, McConaughey also was in it, and I was impressed by his acting, believing that he gave Pacino a run for his money. The message of the movie was so intense and the acting so well done that it stayed with me over the weekend.


This movie is a serious look at how gambling and money can destroy people and their families and how hard it is to walk away from the vice. It is not the usual romantic beach comedy that Brownfield reported McConaughey is often starring in.

Granted, McConaughey was playing his standard “Wooderson” character that Brownfield wrote about and, in half of his shots, he was displaying his chest and abs. However, I believe he’s got some serious acting chops if he decides to use them. Maybe that’s why he has set up his own studio with his friends.

Shirley Lees

Garden Grove
