
Union leader quits council

A leader of one of California’s largest unions has resigned from its national governing council, charging that the group’s president has been meddling with its chapters.

Sal Rosselli, head of an Oakland-based chapter of the Service Employees International Union, said in a letter to President Andy Stern that efforts to increase membership by organizing new sectors has “eclipsed SEIU’s commitment to its members.” Rosselli has been outspoken as Stern has moved to consolidate many California chapters and install temporary leaders.

In December, Stern’s allies in California chapters replaced Rosselli as the head of the state service union council after Rosselli resisted legislation pushed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to expand healthcare to most Californians. With Stern’s backing, the bill passed the state Assembly but died in the Senate.


In an interview arranged by Stern’s office, Dave Regan, president of a Midwest service union chapter who sits on the committee that Rosselli quit, chastised Rosselli for deciding to “become a very public dissident in a way that is going to undermine the work we do.”

Rosselli remains president of United Healthcare Workers West, which represents 150,000 members in California.

-- Jordan Rau
