
Amy Ryan

Amy Ryan’s breakout role as a mother whose child has been kidnapped in “Gone Baby Gone” has been deemed the best performance by a supporting actress by film critics in L.A., New York, Boston, Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Phoenix. Now there’s just that little matter of an Oscar nomination. In the meantime, check out her performance in “GBG” (just released on DVD), or catch her Sunday nights on HBO’s “The Wire.”

MEMORY LANE I’m single, based in New York and dating a writer right now, but when I first came out here at the age of 18 I lived in Venice before ending up in Beechwood Canyon. Whenever I’m here I go to the Grove. I realize it’s not the cultural center of the world, but it’s great for people-watching. And I have so many friends who’ve moved out here from New York, so I always do a lot of house-hopping for dinners. FISH TALES I love going up to the Reel Inn in Malibu for a seaside dinner of grilled fish. I also like Hal’s Bar & Grill in Venice. I was always more interested in the grill than the bar, even though the bar’s a fun hangout. Same thing with the Firehouse -- I’d go for the food. FASHION FIX I like the boutiques and little independent lady shops on 3rd Street. One near Fairfax that I love is Built by Wendy -- great clothing for men and women. The designer, Wendy Mullin, has got her own strong style. WALK AND TALK I’m not a real hiker, but I enjoy going out to Pacific Palisades and taking the trail in Will Rogers State Park that takes you by a waterfall. All of a sudden you’re looking out at the ocean. I think that’s one of the best ways to catch up with an old friend, walking along a scenic trail. N.Y. VS. L.A. A lot of New Yorkers complain about L.A. not having any great breakfast places. But I like the 101 Coffee Shop on Franklin in Hollywood, and Musso & Frank too. And then there’s the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. That’s a whole different world, and the breakfasts are great -- bacon well-done, scrambled eggs and coffee. That’s my perfect breakfast.


-- Mark.S[email protected]
