
Keep history in mind

Re “They want this place to stay put,” Feb. 8

We’d all love to keep historic buildings in their original locations; unfortunately, it is just not possible. Think of the Weddington House like your grandmother. Do you want her to die at home or live out her years well cared for in the Heritage Square Museum (and retirement community)?

Rodney Kemerer

Beverly Hills


The Weddington House belongs in North Hollywood, as one of the last vestiges of the San Fernando Valley’s early farming community. It should form a historic district with the 1895 train station, the North Hollywood library and the fire station, all of which stand on land formerly owned by the Weddingtons.

Guy Weddington McCreary’s pledge of $100,000 if it remains in North Hollywood would provide much security, restoration and upkeep, something that Heritage Square can’t match. We in North Hollywood, Toluca Lake and Studio City are passionate about preserving our history and buildings where they are, and using the Weddington House as the home for a museum of the San Fernando Valley.


Mary Mallory

Studio City
