
Support slips on housing package

The City Council held another vote Wednesday on a package of measures to encourage the construction of affordable housing across the city, even as support for the measure decreased.

On a 9-3 vote, the council agreed to give real estate developers the ability to roll back rules that establish building height, density, parking and open space as long as they ensure that 5% of their project’s housing units are affordable.

The proposal is opposed by various neighborhood groups, who say it will undo years of work establishing development limits in their communities.


Although he voted for the package last week, Councilman Bill Rosendahl sided with council members Janice Hahn and Tom LaBonge in opposing it Wednesday.

Rosendahl said he had a negative experience with a developer who is using such incentives to build a 25-unit building next to a one-story home in Del Rey.

Because the housing plan needs 10 votes to go into effect, it will come up for another vote next week, Garcetti said.



-- David Zahniser
