
Is Roger over and out?

So one congressional sycophant proclaims Roger Clemens a titan of baseball and another confers upon him entry into heaven. Maybe when the inevitable movie deal comes, they should call it “Misremember the Titan.”

Roger Sypek



Are professional athletes like Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds so out of touch that they think they are bigger than baseball, the American public, the world’s media and the American government? It appears so.

Kevin Holten

Manhattan Beach


Where was Mariano Rivera when Roger Clemens needed him the most?

Ron Tom



To paraphrase William Shakespeare: The lies that men tell live after them. Their 354 wins are oft interred with their bones.


Martin Green



Barry Bonds may have been a bad guy to the fans and media, but after watching Brian McNamee sing on Capitol Hill, he sure knows how to take very good care of his personal trainer, Greg Anderson.

Larry Yells

Hermosa Beach


Why is our Congress more concerned about baseball players who lie about drug use than they are about presidents who lie us into wars?

George Dobosh

Sierra Madre
