
In your face

Is there any doubt that the next time a player winds up and fires the ball into the face of a defender to avoid a five-second call he’ll be given a technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct? And won’t that prove once again the incompetence of the Pac-10 basketball officials who failed to make an obvious, easy call?

Barry Gold

Los Angeles


Note to Kevin Love:

You are a freshman on a really good team. You don’t call out your teammates in the press for any reason. This isn’t Oregon, where you were coddled and adored.

If I were you, I’d enjoy every day of college. With your below-average jumping ability and lack of a reliable outside shot, you are presently a bench guy at best in the NBA. And the one thing you don’t want to do is have a reputation as a whiner in the pros.


Gregg Freeman

Thousand Oaks
