
Moving goal posts of democracy

Re “Senate OKs bill to extend wiretaps,” Feb. 13

The Senate again yielded to the threats of George W. Bush, a president whose credibility approaches zero, this time agreeing to retroactive immunity for telephone companies that facilitated the administration’s warrantless wiretapping. It is clear that the Senate and the White House do not represent the people. What good are constitutional rights if they’re not enforced?

Thomas Bliss

Sherman Oaks


Between hidden military tribunals empowered to sentence accused terrorists to death and the grant of immunity to telecommunications companies for illegal wiretaps, democracy and the rule of law in America have suffered grievous blows from which they may never recover. I predict that a Democratic victor in November will decide to put the past behind us, instruct the attorney general not to investigate any possible malfeasance in the Bush administration and turn possible illegal breaches of our fundamental laws into mere political disagreements. The goal posts will have been moved.

Robert Silver

Los Angeles


Perhaps the GOP is stronger on defense. If the Democrats can’t even protect the country from Republicans, how will they protect it from terrorists?


Jeff Robbins

Los Angeles
