
Lots of weighing in on this presenter

WHO knew being an Oscar presenter could be so controversial? The decision to invite Miley Cyrus on stage during Sunday’s Academy Awards ceremony -- she’s “Hannah Montana” for those who don’t have kids in the house -- has struck a chord. Readers sound off at the Gold Derby forum at

Couldn’t they get Paris Hilton?

-- Kat

I don’t know why Cyrus was chosen to be an Oscar presenter. Personally I am sick of hearing about her and her dad. . . . I wish they would both just go away for awhile. . . . Enough is enough. Let the real stars present the awards and send her to Disneyland where she belongs.

-- Jeanette

. . . .This is first and foremost a TV show now.

-- Marshall

I think that Miley should be able to present the award. . . . she’s an amazing actress and an amazing singer. . . . there are gonna be thousands and thousands of Miley Cyrus fans tuning in to see her present the award so you people should be happy instead of mad. She is gonna raise the ratings.


-- Melanie

. . . you cannot ignore the fact that she did just set a Super Bowl weekend record at the box office. And frankly, that little haul for her concert could revolutionize what many people believe can be successfully distributed in movie theaters. Thus, a true impact on cinema. Also, she is a big star right now, she just had a No. 1 movie in theaters, why wouldn’t the Oscars want to capitalize on that . . .

-- Oneilfan

Yes, and I think we should also have Barney presenting and I am sure Kermit the Frog will be available too! Let’s face it, nothing is sacred in Hollywood. Everything is for a buck. Not to take anything away from Miley, but shouldn’t she be at the Teen Awards or something? Can they leave anything for the grown-ups anymore? I’m in early 30’s but so sick and tired of everything Hollywood does being so focused around the 14- to 19-year-old children in this country.

-- MH

Who is Miley Cyrus? I haven’t heard of this child.

-- Armando (Caracas, Venezuela)

I don’t even know who she is?????????

-- Kokolo

Why does it matter to so many of you if Miley Cyrus presents an award? It sounds to me like a lot of sour grapes and jealousy. Miley’s got acting talent and singing talent. Furthermore, she’s as big a name as you get these days.


-- Wendy
