
The others you meet

“The Giants and the Joneses”

Julia Donaldson

The three Jones children don’t know that giants live nearby (over a cliff). The giants, however, do know that there are little human beings living on the other side of the cliff. One day a small girl named Jumbeelia goes down the cliff to get the humans. She brings them to her house and the adventure begins. A lot of exciting things happen to the Joneses. They get stuck in a giant bathtub in a soap holder. The Joneses try to escape. They decide to parachute! Will the Joneses escape? Will Jumbeelia help them? After I finished this book I started crying. I rate this book an infinity!

Reviewed by Ella Rose, Third Grade

Franklin Elementary, Santa Monica


“Dinosaurs Before Dark”

Mary Pope Osborne

Jack and Annie find a treehouse in the woods. Suddenly, they are transported to prehistoric times. They have to leave by night or become dinosaur food. Will they make it? Read the book to find out.

Reviewed by Inesh, 7

Welby Way Magnet, West Hills


“Cyclops Doesn’t Roller-Skate”

Debbie Dadey

Eddie, Melody, Liza and Howie sit in class waiting for their teacher to arrive. When their teacher walks in, she says they are going to be getting their eyes checked. The person checking their eyes is Doc Poly. He has dark sunglasses, a lab coat and a big head lamp so he can see people’s eyes. And he has crooked teeth.


After school, the four friends meet under the oak tree. Howie tells his friends that he thinks the doctor is Cyclops!

If you are interested in the Bailey School Kids, check out one of the books.

Reviewed by Josh, Third Grade

Hugo Reid Elementary, Arcadia


“Tuck Everlasting”

Natalie Babbitt

The Tuck family drinks from a magic spring and lives forever. One day, a girl named Winnie Foster meets one of them in the woods next to the magic spring and they take her away. They were afraid she would drink the magic water, and they explain to her what happened to them. They plan to return her the next day, but something happens that changes the lives of the Tucks before they can return Winnie.

Reviewed by Amanda, 10

Ivanhoe Elementary, Los Angeles


Kids, send us your reviews and drawings. See “How to Write Us.”
