
Time to crack down on gangs

Re “Gang mayhem cripples big area,” Feb. 22

When is this country going to get smart and proactive? All previous, well-meant attempts to end gang violence were only Band-Aids. Congress needs to pass a national law making it a felony to be a gang member. Set the parameters, build more prisons, but assist any and all gangs that want to engage in truces between warring factions.

It could work with a little effort.

Gregg Freeman

Thousand Oaks


I read with amazement your lead article on gangster shootouts on the streets of L.A. Please understand why the rest of the world assumes your society is utterly beyond redemption. The thought of America having the moral authority to lecture anyone is preposterous. In Australia, we had the worst mass civilian shooting ever. Our former prime minister set about banning ownership of anything but a single-shot rifle. The state governments fell into line. It is surely time for any sane American to demand your government do likewise. I won’t hold my breath, however.

Paul Murphy

Sydney, Australia
