
A respectful exchange of ideas

Re “Rabbi, atheist debate with passion, humor,” Dec. 29

The American Jewish University should be commended for sponsoring the debate between author Sam Harris and Rabbi David Wolpe. The debate was very interesting and informative. In a truly democratic society, differences of opinion about religion and science should be openly debated in a respectful public forum. This is greatly needed in today’s tense world filled with religious conflicts and intolerance. Harris’ bestselling books are an indication that there is popular public interest in these issues.

Dialogue, respect and tolerance are scarce in the world today.

Darrell Williams

Sherman Oaks

I always find debates between believers and nonbelievers amusing, especially because they are really just opposite sides of the same coin. The believer takes it on faith that God exists, and the atheist takes it on faith that God doesn’t. The only intellectually supportable position is that of the agnostic, who simply says, “We just don’t know.”

P.J. Gendell

Beverly Hills
