
Bush exposed

Re “RIP: protest films, e-porn and bimbos,” Opinion, Jan. 1

While Jonah Goldberg celebrates the passing of protest films, e-porn and bimbos, at long last, 2007 saw the passing of an extraordinarily damaging phenomena: the popularity of President Bush and his henchmen. The fact that it took almost seven years for a significant portion of the populace to realize that Bush has been the personification of bad medicine for the country and the world is an indictment of the electorate, the media and the too loyal opposition, i.e., the Democrats.

While Goldberg claims he’s been forced to endure antiwar movies, female entertainers and commercial porn, the rest of us have suffered through the unnecessary and immoral war, the erosion of our civil liberties and the destruction of our country’s reputation. Please tell Goldberg I’d much rather suffer the entertainment he identified than relive the Bush debacle.

Ray McKown

Los Angeles
