
Re “Paper, potato or pennies?” editorial, Jan....

Re “Paper, potato or pennies?” editorial, Jan. 11

My husband and I have been using canvas bags to tote our purchases for years. We carry them into most of the stores where we shop, including department stores. We store the bags in the back seat of each car and habitually reach for them before entering a store. The bags can be purchased for a low price at most any food store.

Marge Boelman

Plastic isn’t their bag



If there were a charge for plastic bags, even a couple of cents, I believe people would think twice before they took one. This editorial hit home for me because seeing the multitudes of those obnoxious bags hanging in trees and lining footpaths saddens and angers me. We are so wasteful that I think the only way to help (read: make) people reduce their use of the bags is to hit them in the pocketbook.

I think even 5 cents would stop people in their paths. I hope the Legislature has the fortitude to repeal the provision outlawing these charges and implement this immediately.


Ilene Adelman Starr

Valley Glen
