
Tenant group speaks out

Re “Eastside now the hot spot,” Jan. 11

I am the attorney for El Comite de la Esperanza, the tenant association at the Wyvernwood development. The description of our meeting with developers as “low key” and the decision to quote only neutral and supportive attendees is deceptive. My clients and I attended with a willingness to listen to the proposal. This should not be misconstrued as support for the project.

Residents and community members have consistently maintained that they will not support any plan that will reduce the number of rent-controlled units, reduce or eliminate affordable units, displace any current tenants, reduce the open space or disrespect the historical integrity of the community. The proposal increases density to 4,400 units via high-rise buildings. It also fails to make any concrete or enforceable commitments about displacement and affordability. It is too early to tell if the proposal has any legitimate community support.

Elena I. Popp

Los Angeles
