
The ‘surge’ as a smoke screen

Re “Ghosts,” editorial, Jan. 17

Your editorial states that “2007 was the deadliest year yet for U.S. troops in Iraq: 899 lost their lives, surpassing the previous high of 850 in 2004.”

But then you say the “surge,” which “has reduced both the overall violence in Iraq and the number of U.S. casualties, has unnerved critics who last spring were calling for an immediate pullout.”

Since the surge started in 2007, and 2007 was the deadliest year, it follows that the surge is not working. It may have reduced overall violence -- whatever that means, because there are no objective measures -- but it has done nothing to our losses. I believe the surge to be another smoke screen put up by the Bush administration to extend the occupation indefinitely, and that is why we should continue to ask for an immediate pullout.


Flavio Ciferri

San Clemente
