
Typhus infections spur flea warning

A flurry of typhus infections since the beginning of the year has prompted health officials to warn residents to stay away from fleas, which spread the disease.

“The key is controlling them around your house,” said Howard Sutter, a spokesman for the Orange County Health Care Agency.

Since Jan. 1, he said, six cases have been reported involving four adults and two children in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Placentia.


Typhus is marked by fever, headache, muscle aches and rash.

To avoid infection, Sutter said, residents should treat domestic pets with flea-control medications; seal up any openings on their property providing entry for opossums, feral cats or wild rodents; refrain from leaving dog and cat food out; and keep trash cans covered.

Anyone experiencing symptoms, especially if they’ve had contact with fleas, should seek medical attention, Sutter said.

-- David Haldane
