

You could look at the life of Ringo Starr and think: This guy has been so insanely lucky they should call him Lotto instead of Ringo. But, really, after watching the ongoing orgy of ego and self-destruction among today’s young celebs, I think we all should thank the old bloke for wearing his fame and success so classily for 45 years. The oldest Beatle (and music pal Dave Stewart) will play the House of Blues this Friday at 1 p.m. The show is free but it won’t be easy to get in. Fans should line up beginning at 9 a.m. More details at which will also stream the show live. . . . Shelby Lynne is a true roadhouse angel -- she sings like Sunday morning but lives like Saturday night. Her new album, “Just a Little Lovin’,” is a compelling tribute to the late, great Dusty Springfield, and you can hear her sing selections of it at 7 p.m. Tuesday at a special in-store performance at Amoeba Records on Sunset [(323) 245-6400]. Or just wait a year and watch her sing on the Grammys. . . . This week’s great moment in L.A. history: 59 years ago this Friday the very first Emmy Awards were staged at the Hollywood Athletic Club. The first trophy was shared by KTLA-TV ventriloquist Shirley Dinsdale and her dummy Judy Splinters, thus beginning the long Emmy tradition of celebrating double-talking stars and wooden performances.


-- Geoff.B[email protected]
