

Fictional televangelist Cotton Slocum gets skewered again as the Actors’ Gang revives “Carnage, a Comedy,” Tim Robbins’ (yes, that one) and Adam Simon’s 1987 satire about profit-mongering religious zealotry, which the authors have updated. Director Beth Milles notes that a lot has happened in two decades to affect the play’s issues, such as the rise of cable TV and the ebbing of political correctness, but some aspects are timeless, including “political candidates using the faith of millions for their agenda.” Pictured: Justin Zsebe, left, and V.J. Foster. Opens 8 p.m. Sat. 8 p.m. Thu.-Sun. Ends March 8. Ivy Substation, 9070 Venice Blvd., Culver City. $15-$25. (310) 838-4264;
