

*--* Fiction Weeks on list 1. The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie (Random 4 House: $26) A traveler arrives at the Mughal emperor’s court with a beguiling tale. 2. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz 22 (Riverhead: $24.95) A sci-fi-loving nerd and his immigrant family are haunted by the past. 3. Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich (St. Martin’s 1 Press: $27.95) Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum faces a stalker, a kidnapper and an old robbery. 4. The Host by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown: $25.99) 7 Alien invaders take over the minds of humans. 5. Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk (Doubleday: $24.95) A porn star 5 tries to have sex with 600 men in one day. 6. Sail by James Patterson and Howard Roughan (Little, 2 Brown: $27.99) A widow takes her children on a sailing vacation that goes desperately wrong. 7. Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri (Knopf: $25) Stories 12 of U.S.-born children and their Bengal-born parents straddling cultures. 8. Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger (Simon & 4 Schuster: $25.95) Girlfriends make a vow to radically updo their lives. 9. The Spies of Warsaw by Alan Furst (Random House: $25) A 3 French diplomat tries to uncover Germany’s plans in 1937 Poland. 10. Netherland by Joseph O’Neill (Pantheon: $23.95) An 1 equities analyst’s life is upended after Sept. 11, when his wife and son flee New York for London. *--*

*--* Nonfiction 1. When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris 4 (Little, Brown: $25.99) Musings on life and smoking. 2. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch with Jeffrey Zaslow 11 (Hyperion: $21.95) A professor with terminal cancer urges us to seize life’s moments. 3. What Happened by Scott McClellan (PublicAffairs: 4 $27.95) The former Bush press secretary says the administration deceived the public about Iraq. 4. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (Beyond Words: $23.95) 78 Life’s secrets, distilled from oral tradition, literature, religion and philosophy. 5. The Political Mind by George Lakoff (Viking: $25.95) 1 The science behind political appeals to the emotions. 6. Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea by Chelsea 8 Handler (Simon Spotlight: $24.95) The talk-show host skewers dating, family and work. 7. The Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria (W.W. 7 Norton: $25.95) What the future holds with the United States fading as the world’s leading economy. 8. Why Is God Laughing? by Deepak Chopra (Harmony: 1 $21.95) How to find joy through laughter. 9. The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder by 3 Vincent Bugliosi (Vanguard: $26.95) The case against the president for the murder of U.S. troops in Iraq. 10. Just Who Will You Be? by Maria Shriver (Hyperion: 10 $14.95) Ask who, not what, you want to be. *--*
