
Albom’s speech now an e-book

From the Associated Press

Mitch Albom has a new book out -- well, not really a book, but a commencement speech in book form. And not in traditional book form, but as an e-book, published exclusively through’s Kindle reader.

“Commencement Speech to His Nephew’s Graduating Class: May 30, 2008, Nice France” went on sale Thursday for 99 cents. It won’t be a money maker for Albom -- proceeds are being donated to a Detroit-based charity for the homeless -- but it does offer a test for the digital device that has created a great debate about the future of books and great speculation over how much the Kindle is part of that future.

“I was surprised at how this little talk resonated with people, but I am happy to share it with a wider audience and raise money for a good cause at the same time,” said Albom, author of “Tuesdays With Morrie” and “The Five People You Meet in Heaven.”
