
A one-sided view of Israel

Re “Trips give Jews a new rite of passage,” July 12

The article reads as if it were culled directly from a Taglit-Birthright Israel news release. I can’t decide if I’m more concerned about Birthright and its agenda or the lack of inquisitiveness this article exhibits. As a Jew, I see nothing wrong with young Jews learning about Israel. However, it appears that this effort highly favors the Israeli view with little regard for the dire situation of Palestinians living there. The article makes one reference to Israel being “a country sometimes marked by terrorism and armed conflict,” but not a word is said about occupation, checkpoints, the separation wall and the difficulties and indignities these bring to Palestinians.

The world in the 21st century is a complicated place. We do no one, especially our youth, any favors by presenting a one-sided view of the Israeli-Palestinian situation. What is really needed are courage and an open mind in searching for a just peace.

Rand Clark

Santa Barbara
