
State’s green building rules strengthened

California issued new building standards Thursday that state officials said would “push” developers to reduce the energy use of buildings by 15% and “target” a 50% reduction in water for landscaping.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger hailed the new standards as “groundbreaking,” adding that they “will ensure that California remains in the forefront of reducing our carbon footprint and conserving valuable natural resources while also protecting our economy.”

But the new environmental building language, which was heavily influenced by the construction industry, fell far short of the stringent rules that green building advocates had sought.


Schwarzenegger’s staff headed off what threatened to be an embarrassing full-throated condemnation by meeting with environmentalists Wednesday and agreeing to last-minute revisions of the draft.

Building codes, a hitherto obscure part of government rule-making, have moved to the forefront in the battle over climate change and energy usage.

Buildings consume 39% of energy, 12% of potable water and 40% of raw materials nationwide.

They also are responsible for 39% of greenhouse gas emissions.

-- Margot Roosevelt
