
Parents prepare kids for life

Re “Not black like me,” editorial, May 31

As the white (not to mention gay) adoptive father of a black 13-year-old daughter, I take exception with findings from “a comprehensive new study” suggesting that trans-racial adoption results in kids who struggle with self-esteem.

Among the questionable findings is the following thesis: “A key life skill for black children, according to the report, is coping with discrimination; parental guidance is crucial but does not always come naturally.”

If coping with discrimination does not come naturally to a parent -- whether black or white, gay or straight, blood-bound or not -- the parent in question should not take on the responsibility of raising a child.


As parents, it is our job to prepare our children for the inevitability of discrimination, whether the act is perpetrated because of race, class, sexual orientation or simply being different.

Michael Kearns

Los Angeles
