
A new Dirty Harry?

THE MAJORITY of movie fans throughout the world would love to see Hollywood produce a new Dirty Harry movie, even though Clint Eastwood himself has ruled that out [“Revolver Revolution,” June 1]. Eastwood does have his age to consider when it comes to playing a role of Harry Callahan, even though he could certainly still direct such a movie.

For a modern-day Dirty Harry movie, why not try to get Hugh Jackman to play Harry Callahan? Jackman is one of Australia’s finest actors and he would make a great new Callahan. If a new movie is a great success, then more could be produced every two or three years.. With a director like Eastwood and an actor like Jackman playing the role of Harry Callahan, a new Dirty Harry movie could have the potential to be a worldwide success!

Malcolm Webster

Melbourne, Australia
