
Welcome to L.A. cynicism

Re “Lakers love,” editorial, June 5

Like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, your editorial on the day of the Lakers-Celtics NBA Finals opener is one of the most sour and mean-spirited messages one can imagine from the hometown paper.

A “shy” Spaniard and unproven sexual assault charges -- these are the bland and bitter herbs you can’t resist placing in our wonderful feast of accomplishment, baked by a team that has worked its heart out for us? A city celebrates despite your regrettable cynicism.

Elyce Wakerman

Sherman Oaks


I found your editorial strange and bizarre for a hometown newspaper. I couldn’t tell if you were praising the Lakers or damning them.


Mentioning Kobe Bryant’s rape case and Lamar Odom’s drug issues is uncalled for. Only an L.A. newspaper would offer this kind of “praise.”

Mike Futch

Santa Cruz


Re “Lakers golden as money draw,” June 5

So, a seat is available for $27,028 while “the nation may be struggling with soaring fuel prices, high food bills and rising home foreclosures.”

Haven’t we seen this before? Like when the few guys who could afford it were whooping it up in the Colosseum while their empire went down the tubes?


Walter Carlin

Del Mar
