
Which wife do Americans like more?

Americans who have opinions about each presumed presidential nominee’s wife are apt to think of both women favorably. But who is better liked, Michelle Obama or Cindy McCain? Two recent polls tell different stories (although the more recent survey, taken before Michelle Obama’s widely watched appearance on ABC’s “The View,” gave the edge to Obama). One thing that’s clear from both surveys: Lots of Americans have yet to form an opinion about the two.


Pew Research Center Poll

Cindy McCain

42% have a favorable view

16% have an unfavorable view

42% have no opinion

Michelle Obama

44% have a favorable view

22% have an unfavorable view

34% have no opinion

Poll conducted May 22-25 among 1,242 registered voters.

Source: Pew Research Center

ABC News/ Washington Post Poll

Cindy McCain

39% have a favorable view

25% have an unfavorable view

36% have no opinion

Michelle Obama

48% have a favorable view

29% have an unfavorable view

23% have no opinion

Poll conducted June 12-15 among 1,125 adults.

Source: ABC News/Washington Post


Note: Each poll has a margin of sampling error of at least 3 percentage points
