
Troubled waters

Re “A watershed moment,” editorial, June 21

I read with interest your editorial. Cleaning the waters of the L.A. River is a laudable goal. However, city officials have something other than cleaning in mind. City Hall recently created a joint powers authority with the ultimate goal of imposing a redevelopment area from Canoga Park to downtown L.A. and beyond. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ regulatory authority is critical to this massive $2-billion scheme.

The Clean Water Act calls for cleaning the water that empties into the ocean. Leave the rest of the Valley’s property owners alone to enjoy their property within the law.

Sean McCarthy

West Hills

Your editorial is on target about passing the Clean Water Restoration Act. The original Clean Water Act protected all of our rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands from unchecked pollution. Unfortunately, recent court decisions and Bush administration policies have created confusion about which waters are covered, putting many streams and wetlands that feed and clean our larger waters, such as the L.A. River and Santa Monica Bay, at risk.


The Clean Water Restoration Act reaffirms that all, not just some, waters will continue to be protected. We applaud Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Beverly Hills) and more than half of California’s House delegation for supporting the bill, and we urge Sen. Dianne Feinstein and our other representatives to sign on as sponsors.

Dan Jacobson


The writer is legislative director for Environment California.
