
Plenty of blame to go around on Dodgers

The Dodgers are in the mess that they are in because of GM Ned Colletti. However, Joe Torre has done nothing to help the situation. His constant reliance on Scott Proctor in the bullpen and Mark Sweeney as the first hitter off the bench has cost the Dodgers many games.

I guess it’s a bit harder to work with a team that isn’t blessed with Mariano Rivera coming out of the pen and pinch-hitters actually capable of swinging a bat.

Jordan Klein

Beverly Hills

The Dodgers are still in the NL West race, but they could have saved a lot of money since their record would probably be similar under Joe Torre or Grady Little.


Jon Umeda

Monterey Park

Ned Colletti has no fundamental understanding or insights whatsoever into the game of baseball. He is undoubtedly one of the most unqualified GMs in professional sports today.

In addition, Frank McCourt is a phony millionaire who cares about nothing other than the ledger sheet’s bottom line.

I am 55 years old. I highly doubt that I will ever again see my beloved Dodgers in the World Series in my remaining lifetime.


Mike Keller

Spring Mills, Pa.

The Dodgers should offer a one-time prize to a fan the next time a Dodgers player gets a critical hit that results in a walk-off victory. Just make sure the offer carries over through the next season.

Lex L. Larsen

Henderson, Nev.

The way things are going, the highlight of the Dodgers telecasts is the Aflac commercial with Yogi Berra in the barber chair.

Joe Cohen

Los Angeles

At the conclusion of this season, will Francisco Rodriguez have more saves than the Dodgers have wins?


I’ve gotta go with K-Rod.

Chris Gagliano

Redondo Beach
