
Fit to be tied

AS a musician and music teacher, it upset me to see that millions of dollars are being spent to “dress up” a concert venue [“ ‘Collar and Bow’ -- And Then a Suit,” by Mike Boehm, March 1]. Wouldn’t it be nicer if that money went to provide instruments and programs in the schools? Who will perform in Disney Hall in years to come if young musicians are not being trained now?

Who will attend performances in Disney Hall if kids are not exposed to music appreciation in the schools?

I understand some people feel the need to add a sculpture to enhance the building, but that sculpture won’t be singing, playing cello or inspiring a student to go home and practice.


Wendy Hersh


WHAT a macho image! Add a string of pearls and two earrings and I’ll contribute to finishing the sculpture.

Or do only men attend Disney Hall?

Emma Lewis Thomas

Santa Monica
