
Watching Wooden

I am the pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Encino, the church which Coach John Wooden regularly attends. I speak here on my own behalf, and not on behalf of Coach Wooden, Nan Muehlhausen, or any other member of the Wooden family.

Thank you for attempting to lay out the facts of what transpired the day that Coach Wooden suffered his injury and was hospitalized. I hope that your article has defused any misunderstanding.

At the same time, I am deeply troubled that this matter has been aired publicly at all. As a pastor, I deal every day with families who are facing the very difficult questions surrounding the care of elderly persons. The issue of determining when a beloved grandparent or great-grandparent can no longer live by him or herself is gut-wrenching. These are decisions that no one outside the family should ever presume to second-guess or critique.


Rev. Curtis Webster

