
Max Boot’s strategy bombs

Re “Fallon didn’t get it,” Opinion, March 12

Max Boot thinks he knows more about Middle East military strategy than Navy Adm. William “Fox” Fallon. Boot’s thinking is firmly in line with President Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Vice President Dick Cheney and Donald H. Rumsfeld, all of whom are either gone or shortly going, and good riddance. Some of Fallon’s reported goals (redeploy troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, avoid war with Iran) sound a lot like Sen. Barack Obama’s. I hope that Fallon, if he is interested, will find a prominent position in the Obama administration.

Daniel Wolf

Wynnewood, Pa.

So armchair-admiral Boot crawls out from under his ideologue rock to toss dirt at the departing Fallon; what a surprise. The surge was supposed to give the Iraqi government time to coalesce and stand on its own. Because that has not yet happened, saying that the surge is working is terribly misleading at best, or another apocryphal neocon talking point at worst. It’s way past time to jettison this shamelessly ardent supporter of waging interminable war with other Americans’ children.

Blaise Jackson


Fallon deserves credit for his heroic stand on behalf of his foot soldiers and of the nation to a megalomaniac commander in chief who has lied all the way down to disastrous wars and destroyed our defense resources and economy.


Mohammad Auwal

