
Sideshows are not education

Re “Pachyderm plan is in bubble trouble,” March 12

As someone who has been an educator for 15 years and has a good understanding of worthwhile science education, I cannot believe that the Discovery Science Center would risk its reputation by promoting a “sideshow” at a facility that should be promoting science. Clearly those who have made this decision need to step back and take another look.

Elephants are wondrous beings that are intelligent, complex animals. The idea of “using” this endangered animal to try to break a world bubble record is not only demeaning to the animal but sends the wrong message to children. This event has nothing to do with science, and as for educating children about the importance of conservation, this certainly is not a proper or effective way of doing so. The children will have no true understanding of how such elephants live in the wild, and even less of an understanding of how we should have respect for these endangered beings.

Valerie Belt

Pacific Palisades
