
Keeping it real at conferences

Re “Strife and solutions at school conferences,” March 10

When I was a kid doing poorly in Spanish, I tried to soften the inevitable disfavor that would follow the upcoming parent-teacher conference by warning my father in advance that Mr. Westerhouse did not like me. My father explained that Mr. Westerhouse was my teacher and that he was not paid to like me, but if I worked harder in his class, he might look on me with more favor in the future. My father then went to the conference and told Mr. Westerhouse I would improve.

I recovered from his treachery and improved in Spanish.

David Goodwin

Los Angeles

As my child was going through elementary school, I was one of those “advocate” parents to which Myra McGovern refers. I felt it was “us against the system.” Then I became a teacher. I never made another excuse for my child again. By the way -- he’s a great young man!

Prentiss Moore

Sherman Oaks
